Unfortunately, domestic abuse between partners happens for numerous reasons, from a difference of opinion with child raising to financial or fidelity issues. Arguably, some of the most vulgar situations include ones where nothing happened at all. Many spouses make false domestic abuse claims to get back at their significant other and seek pity from the … Continue reading Dealing with False Domestic Abuse Claims in New Jersey→
From car and truck accidents to medical and legal malpractice, numerous scenarios exist where an individual or their family members could receive extensive injuries or even wrongful death. Like a domino effect, this one bad situation leads to other negatives like wage or job loss, unaffordable mounting medical bills, and sometimes irreversible mental, emotional, and … Continue reading What You Need to Know About Insurance Demand Letter Response Time in New Jersey→
New Jersey legislation makes it more challenging for those with felony convictions to lawfully purchase firearms. Some of these felonies include violent crimes and drug possession. Many people who complete their court-ordered sentences ask our attorneys, “What criminal charges disqualify me from owning a gun?” Keep reading as one of our trusted criminal defense lawyers … Continue reading What Criminal Charges Disqualify You From Owning a Gun in New Jersey?→
After an accident, you may be eager to seek compensation from the liable parties. However, after reaching an early settlement, some accident victims experience delayed symptoms of their injuries that require further medical treatments. Can you reopen a personal injury case and seek further reimbursement for your losses if this situation happens to you? Below, … Continue reading Can You Reopen a Personal Injury Case in New Jersey?→
Pursuing a personal injury lawsuit may be appropriate if you sustain injuries in an automobile or workplace accident. While many plaintiffs manage to collect compensation from liable parties before a jury trial is necessary, the negotiation process can be lengthy. So, how long do personal injury cases take to settle in New Jersey? The answer … Continue reading How Long Do Personal Injury Cases Take To Settle in New Jersey?→
Less than half the country has no-fault car accident laws. Many people ask, “What does it mean to be a no-fault state?” New Jersey provides no-fault protections to their citizens, which can limit a claimant’s ability to sue. Basic insurance policies may only allow for limited no-fault coverage, while standard ones can expand your right … Continue reading What Does It Mean to Be a No-Fault State Like New Jersey?→
People who suffer from personal injury issues in Bergen County, New Jersey, may not have the means to cover their medical expenses. Those pursuing legal action do not always have the out-of-pocket funds or medical insurance needed to pay. Additionally, the person or group found guilty of causing the injuries cannot have their insurance pay … Continue reading How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out in New Jersey?→
One cannot watch or read the news anymore without someone being accused of sexual assault. There have been many accused and/or convicted. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby just to name a couple. But what if you are accused of the charge and are innocent? A recent case in Somerset County, Somerville, New Jersey, venue in the … Continue reading Sexual Assault Charges Dismissed in Somerville New Jersey October 2018→
Were you the victim of a terrifying dog attack? While most domesticated dogs are docile and fairly harmless, when a vicious dog bites, the results can be catastrophic. But how exactly does New Jersey define a “domestic “animal? If you were seriously injured by a dog bite and you want to pursue legal action, it’s … Continue reading What is the Definition of a Domestic Dog?→
Owning a business means crossing every “T” and dotting each “i.” Employers who fail to set forth employee expectations by providing clear-cut, legally-sound employee handbooks, manuals, policies, and procedures leave themselves wide open to controversy and confusion — and, even worse, lawsuits and legal liability. Here are the top five reasons having an employee handbook … Continue reading Five Reasons Every Company Needs Employee Manuals and Personnel Policies→