Watchung Car Accident Attorneys

Auto Accident Injury Victim Rights In NJ

If you have been the victim of a NJ car accident, you should obtain the services of an experienced injury lawyer to help you understand your rights and what actions you may need to take. 

For instance, the state has a complicated no-fault insurance system, which requires you, in most cases, to set up a medical claim with your automobile insurer.  If this is not done at the outset of your case, your insurer may deny coverage, subject you to excessive co-pays, or medical bills may go unpaid. 

While your insurer will usually cover your medical bills, you may also be entitled to compensation from the other driver’s insurance company for the pain, suffering, and permanent personal injury in Watchung, NJ that you may have sustained due to your automobile accident.

New Jersey Car Accident Resources

  1. Common injuries sustained in New Jersey car accidents
  2. What should you do after a New Jersey car accident?
  3. Why should you hire an NJ car accident lawyer?
  4. Proving and valuing your New Jersey car accident case
  5. Can you afford an auto accident attorney in New Jersey?
  6. Important concepts to understand about NJ car crash cases
  7. What is a negligent driver?
  8. Why is New Jersey a no-fault state?
  9. What are exceptions to the no-fault system?
  10. Common types of auto accidents in New Jersey
  11. Causes of highway accidents in New Jersey
  12. Common causes of distracted driving in New Jersey
  13. Accidents caused by speeding in New Jersey
  14. New Jersey drunk driving car accident victims

Contact our Watchung car accident attorneys today.

Call us today at (908) 495-6708 or contact us. Your initial consultation will take place over the phone, and you can schedule an appointment at the Watchung, NJ, office or one of our other office locations across New Jersey.