Bergen County NJ Criminal Lawyers

Fighting for the rights and freedom of people charged with serious and minor criminal offenses

Being charged with a crime is a nightmare. Defendants who are found guilty risk losing their freedom, having a criminal record, being unable to keep or get a job, being required to pay huge penalties and fines, and other serious consequences. The criminal justice system is frightening because the police and prosecutors initially seem to hold many of the cards that decide if you are detained, arrested, receive bail, and what offenses you are charged with.

At Aiello, Harris, Abate, Law Group PC Law Office, our criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey fight immediately to protect your rights by aggressively working to hold law enforcement and government prosecutors to their obligations of fairness and respect for the accused. Our Bergen County criminal law attorneys have helped many defendants successfully gain their freedom by having charges dismissed, by obtaining not guilty verdicts, having critical evidence suppressed, and negotiating just resolutions of the charges. We represent clients who have been charged with everything from speeding violations and minor thefts to drug offenses, burglaries, sexual offenses, and homicides.

Why it is critical to have experienced criminal lawyers defend you in New Jersey

In order to get the best results, it is essential to retain lawyers who have tried cases before juries and won appellate court cases. It is only through an understanding of how evidence is handled, how to choose a jury, and how to argue a case that a skilled criminal lawyer can make the right steps through each stage of the trial process. Our criminal attorneys in Bergen County NJ have successfully taken many cases to trial.

Experienced lawyers also understand the practical and legal issues that govern each phase of a criminal case including:

  • An arraignment
  • The setting of bail
  • A preliminary hearing
  • Legal motions, such as motions to suppress evidence
  • Bench trials before judges
  • Trials before juries
  • Appeals to higher courts

Our criminal defense experience

The partners and other lawyers at our firm have received first-class reviews from state and national legal rating agencies, clients, prosecutors, judges, and those involved with the criminal justice system respect our lawyers because many of them served as prosecutors themselves before starting or joining the firm. Our lawyers have over 250 years of combined courtroom litigation experience.

Types of cases we handle

Our Bergen County criminal attorneys handle the full range of New Jersey criminal violations from the most serious crimes to violations of township ordinances. We aggressively represent defendants in the following types of cases.

  • Drug possession crimes are usually 3rd or 4th degree crimes, which can result in lengthy jail sentences and substantial fines. There are many ways to contest a drug possession charge, including Constitutional and factual challenges.
  • Driving while intoxicated If the police have a reasonable suspicion to stop you, they can request that you submit to sobriety and breath tests to determine your blood alcohol content. Refusing to take the test can result in additional penalties.
  • Burglary – Burglary is breaking into a structure with the intent of committing a crime. It can include attempts to get money or goods, to commit physical harm, and to destroy property.
  • Driving over the speed limit tickets can be challenged if the radar or testing equipment was not properly inspected. Other defenses and legal strategies can defeat or reduce the charges.

We also represent juveniles and people charged with probation or parole violations. In some cases, convictions can be expunged, which can help the defendant gain or keep their job.

New Jersey Criminal Defense Resources

  1. Why it is critical to have experienced criminal lawyers defend you in New Jersey
  2. Why having prior prosecutors defend you is an advantage in New Jersey
  3. Why prior New Jersey criminal trial experience matters
  4. Honest advice for each defendant
  5. Some common defense strategies in municipal court cases in New Jersey
  6. In New Jersey, you can be charged with one of three types of crimes/offenses
  7. Skilled legal representation for criminal charges in New Jersey
  8. Dismissal and reduction of charges
  9. Plea agreements in New Jersey criminal cases
  10. Expungements to clear your record in New Jersey

Speak with a strong Bergen County criminal attorney today

If you are looking to find a criminal defense attorney or someone you know was charged with a crime, immediate help is required. You should understand that you have a right to a lawyer to represent you, that you do have legal rights, and that you are allowed to defend yourself in court. Experience does matter. You can trust our criminal defense lawyers in Lyndhurst to defend your rights in Bergen County and contest the position of the police and the prosecution.

Call us today at (551) 321-6524 or contact us. Your initial consultation will take place over the phone, and you can schedule an appointment at the Lyndhurst, NJ, office or one of our other office locations across New Jersey.