
Municipal Court Plea Agreement

James R. Pastor, Esq. of Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC appeared in Woodbridge Township Municipal Court located at 1 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey beforfe the Honorable Spencer Robbins, J.M.C.  The prosecutor was Harold Parra, Esq. Client was charged with driving while suspended under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 and if found guilty, faced a 6 month … Continue reading Municipal Court Plea Agreement

New Jersey Traffic Ticket Surcharges FAQs

With overpopulation and millions of drivers on the road, New Jersey is strict on enforcing driving laws. Sometimes, too strict. One plague to the NJ traffic violations organization is its system of tacking on additional surcharges to already skyrocketing fines. With an extra surcharge, you can find yourself paying double the amount of the original … Continue reading New Jersey Traffic Ticket Surcharges FAQs