New Jersey Perjury Lawyers

Did you lie while under oath in New Jersey?

Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC attorneys provide solid, effective legal guidance and representation; our primary goal is to help those accused of perjury avoid a conviction and harsh criminal penalties. Perjury, under New Jersey law, occurs when an individual intentionally makes a false statement under oath. This includes making a false statement in a sworn written document, orally at trial or at a deposition, while giving testimony in a grand jury proceeding, or making false statements to police or authorities. Perjury charges are more serious than most people realize. If you are being investigated or have been charged with perjury, contact a New Jersey criminal defense attorneys at Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC to discuss your legal options.

Criminal Penalties for Committing Perjury in New Jersey

The penalties for a perjury conviction vary from no jail time to four years in state prison. First time offenders with no prior criminal history may be looking at zero days in jail, formal probation, fines, community service and restitution. The exact sentence depends on other external factors that come into play, such as the judge, the prosecutor and the victim. A perjury conviction may impact your ability to obtain gainful employment, career advancement and denial of certain business or real estate loans, and professional licenses. The outcome of your case depends in large part on your criminal defense attorney’s knowledge, skill and experience. That is why it is important to contact Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC experienced criminal defense attorneys to assist you with your perjury case.

Perjury Law In NJ

Our attorneys handle perjury cases such as:

  • To lie while answering a question when testifying as a witness during a trial
  • To claim to make less money per year than you actually make while completing a sworn affidavit during divorce proceedings in court.
  • To make two statements that contradict each other during a court proceeding, but not admit that one of the statements is false
  • To lie on a driver’s license application
  • To make a false statement on a loan application signed under penalty of perjury.

On the other hand, the prosecutor must prove the following five elements to obtain a conviction:

  • That you knowingly gave a false answer to a question after taking an oath that you would tell the truth in court;
  • That you signed a sworn statement as being true when you knew it contained false information;
  • That you reasonably understood what was meant by the person asking the question while you were under oath;
  • That your statement was false at the time you made it; and
  • That you willfully and knowingly made a statement that contained a false material fact or concealed a material fact.

Retaining Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you are arrested or charged with perjury, immediately contact Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC perjury defense attorneys. Depending upon the context in which the alleged statement was made, you could be facing serious jail time and the consequences of a conviction that could permanently remain on your criminal record.

After your arrest, do not volunteer any statements or give any information to the police or anyone else about the facts of your case, instead demand to speak to our attorneys at Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC

If in custody, refrain from talking to any other inmates or persons in detention about your case, or give any details to anyone on a phone.

Contact our New Jersey perjury lawyers today

Perjury and false swearing cases can be tricky to defend in a court of law and therefore it is important to have experienced and savvy legal representation that can help you gather and sort through the evidence of your case.  If you have been accused of perjury in New Jersey, contact Aiello, Harris, Abate Law Group PC today and we will be more than happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.

Our criminal defense attorneys keep flexible office hours, with weekend appointments available, and we can meet you in your home if you cannot travel to our office. We offer flexible scheduling and payment options.

Call us today at (908) 561-5577 or contact us. Your initial consultation will take place over the phone, and you can schedule an appointment at one of our office locations across New Jersey.